There are various types of farming and one among them is Organic farming.
It is the form of agriculture which depends on some of the techniques like biological pest control, compost, green manure and crop rotation. It uses pesticides and fertilizers but strictly excludes the usage of manufactured fertilizers and pesticides. It facilitates in sustaining the health of the ecosystems, soil and people.
It combines the tradition, science and innovation and promotes good quality and fair relationship for all involved. Likewise Organic fertilizers also cannot be underestimated. The materials of this fertilizer are the by-products of various minerals, animals and vegetables.
Already nutrients will be available in the regular soil and when these fertilizers are introduced it helps the plants to maintain the sustainability.
There are lots of organic farming systems. One of the major system is the Biodynamic farming. Some of the other techniques are no till farming, SRI, permaculture, holistic management. The method of ‘Do Nothing Farming’ focuses on minimum mechanical cultivation.
The best method suitable for organic principles are Biointensive and French intensive. The crop diversity is one of the major characteristic of the organic farming. The planting of various vegetable crops supports the wide range of soil microorganisms, insects and other factors.
The agroecological field has suggested the benefits of growing multiple crops in the same land. Organic farming avoids using synthetic fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides. These products exist in the land and also with the product as well.
Methods of Organic farming Modern
The method combines the scientific knowledge of Organic modern technology and ecology. Agroecology is the field where these kind of farming has been studied. The organic farmers are restricted by the usage of natural fertilizers and pesticides.
The primary method of this farming comprises of green manures, compost, crop rotation, mechanical cultivation and biological pest control. These things uses the natural environment in order to upgrade the productivity of the Organic agriculture.
In order to fix the nitrogen into the earth, natural insect predators have been implemented. In order to confuse the pests and to renew the soil, crop rotation is undertaken. Plant breeding is the method used to generate Hardier plants.
Techniques to improve the fertility
In order to build the fertile soil there are some techniques that should be followed such as to use compost or recycled animal manures, correcting cultivation of the soil at the correct time, using crop rotation, mulching and using green manures and legumes.
While in order to control the pest it is essential to make use of crop resistant, encouraging predators which eats pests, usage of natural pesticides and crop rotation. But as the population is increasing more and more, people are becoming more conscious about their food as well as health. Due to this reason even though cost of production has decreased, it generates higher profit.
Benefits of organic farming Modern
There are several benefits of using this technique such as it helps in maintaining the fertility of the soil. It allows in the sustainability of the wildlife and naturally it promotes the diverse habitats. The organic food products do not contain any chemicals and artificial flavors that are injurious to health.
It reduces the heart diseases and also it is good for the taste buds. As in conventional farming it does not contaminate soil, water and air. It helps in preserving the soil and also soil erosion can be prevented. Consumption of organic food avoids the diseases such as heart problem, cancer and so on.
What you know about Organic fertilizers?
Organic fertilizers are those that are made up of organic material like grass clippings, manure, leaves and sometimes it is directly used as farmyard manures. It is efficiently used, because it is considered to be less harmful for the environment.
In terms of encouraging the growth of the crop, organic fertilizer plays an important role. It also plays a vital role in preventing the cycle of boom-bust that some of the synthetic fertilizers creates in crops. Some of the major fertilizers are manure, seaweed, compost, cottonseed, blood meal and fish emulsion. The majority of the above mentioned fertilizers needs to bought but some of them can be prepared at home.
How organic fertilizers are beneficial?
Most of the people are addicted to chemical fertilizers nowadays. But organic fertilizers are beneficial than the chemical fertilizers. The major advantage of this is that as it is insoluble it slowly releases the nutrients to the plants.
It helps in reducing leaching which results from the majority of the chemical fertilizers which causes several problems. It helps in improving the quality of the soil which leads to healthy growth of plants and trees.
Poor soil can be improved only by introducing the organic matter and that is known as organic fertilizer. The microorganisms that are present in the fertilizer releases the nitrogen which is beneficial for the plant growth.
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