Organic Farming – A recent technology in cultivation

There are various forms of cultivation but the recent technique used is Organic farming

and it is considered to be the latest technique of agricultural farming where they rely on green manure, crop rotation, biological methods of controlling pest and compost fertilizer. It is completely based on the yardstick set by IFOAM.

As per the 2011 statistical data, about 37,000,000 hectares were farmed organically throughout the world. There are various systems of organic farming and among them Biodynamic farming is considered to be the comprehensive approach.  The major benefit is that it provides the consumers healthy food items for better health.

Another important factor of this type of farming is the use of Organic fertilizers. These fertilizers are derived from vegetable or animal matter. Hence, it includes manure, worm casting, humic acid, guano, slurry and seaweed.

The processed form of fertilizers using organic method comprises humic acid, bone meal, blood meal, amino acids, seaweed extracts and compost. In each of the fertilizer bag, you can notice 3 written numbers. It is the requirement which indicates phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium.

These fertilizers are made up of natural resources but whereas inorganic fertilizers are made up of manufactured or synthetic chemicals. These organic fertilizers can be purchased from stores or can be prepared by yourself in your home.


Facts of Organic farming

Earlier people had no idea about how to produce the products in a best manner. Herbicides as well Pesticides affect not only the environment but as well the people. Farming organically makes use of wind energy and solar power.

Many of the consumers prefer to purchase the products which are free from pesticides. Farmers must take the opportunity in order to educate themselves and learn regarding this type of farming. Nearly it may take about three seasons in order to compete with the traditional farming. Later you not only provide healthy resources for your family, but also for the general public.

Methods of Organic farming fertilizers

Organic farming technique synthesizes the potential of both traditional and Organic Modern farming. It tries to uphold the ecological balance at the time of the farming process. Crop diversity is considered to be one of the best technique where various species of plants are grown on the same land.


Planting of variety crops in the same land retains the soil fertility. Farm size is the other factor of organic farming where farmers prefer to have farm lands of smaller size. Because it helps to avoid the utilization of big machines. Also, it makes rotation of crops more efficient and leads to increase in biodiversity.

Top 5 fertilizers:

Some of the major six organic fertilizers are Seaweed and Fish Emulsion which is comprised of high quality minerals and helps in establishing growth of the roots. Fish Emulsion is made out of by-products of fish with the seaweed.

The Earthworm castings, has about 60 trace minerals required for the plants. Bone Meal is the other fertilizer which is safer for transplanting new plants which makes the root system very strong and healthy. Kelp Meal is a type of fertilizer which develops the resistance power for pests. Rock Phosphates is an important fertilizer that is mainly used for the transplanting the young plants.

What is plus in Organic fertilizer:

In today’s world, people have started to believe that in order to promote the abundant growth of the plant, it is necessary to provide nutrients to the plants. Today we can see lots of environmental pollution in the world and for this purpose people are shifting from inorganic fertilizer to organic fertilizer.

But the application of the fertilizer should be proper otherwise it may harm the plants. It can be applied either by tilling/watering or on the surface. Fertilizers such as mineral blend or winter fertilizer proffer you a natural way and safe way in order to ensure your land has sufficient minerals and nutrients.

Using of these fertilizers are safe for the environment, pests as well as children. It does not contain any materials which are harmful for the plants and soil. It helps in restoring the soil which provides required nutrients to your land. It helps in encouraging the growth of useful microbes which leads to less use of fertilizers.

If you use organic fertilizers instead of chemical fertilizer, it’s for sure you can help the soil to recover from its abusement. It helps in improving the quality of the soil fertility and leads the plants to live longer and grow larger.

Benefits of Organic fertilizers farming

Now a days lots of consumers are switching over to organic diets and the majority of the farmers are also switching over to this method of farming. One of the major benefits is that it is easy for the conventional farmers to switch over for this technique. Nearly 30% of the cost of production can be reduced by the farmers.

As it is the natural Organic agriculture technique, it leads to reducing the rate of erosion. As the products produced in the organic farms are free from chemicals, farmers can earn more revenue by selling the quality products for more price.

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